Agnès b.


Agnès b.

agnès b. is a clothing brand launched by fashion designer Agnès Troublé. The B. "The brand comes from the initial name of Christian Bourgois, the publisher, who had been the husband of Agnès Troublé.


Agnès b.

agnès b. is a clothing brand launched by fashion designer Agnès Troublé. The B. "The brand comes from the initial name of Christian Bourgois, the publisher, who had been the husband of Agnès Troublé.


Agnès b.

agnès b. is a clothing brand launched by fashion designer Agnès Troublé. The B. "The brand comes from the initial name of Christian Bourgois, the publisher, who had been the husband of Agnès Troublé.

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Me­dia: 1
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Prod­uct type: 1
The padded "Mommy" of the film of Xavier Dolan

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The padded "Mom­my" of the film of Xavier Dolan

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Padded "Mommy" of Diane in Mommy by Xavier Dolan

Collier "Mommy" d'Agnès B. dans le film Mommy de Xavier Dolan

Perfect Match
Padded "Mom­my" of Di­ane in Mom­my by Xavier Dolan

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