Matthew Rhys


Matthew Rhys


Matthew Rhys Evans is a Welsh actor. He is known for playing Philip Jennings in the acclaimed television series The Americans, for which he received two Golden Globe Award nominations and a Primetime Emmy Award.


Matthew Rhys


Matthew Rhys Evans is a Welsh actor. He is known for playing Philip Jennings in the acclaimed television series The Americans, for which he received two Golden Globe Award nominations and a Primetime Emmy Award.



Matthew Rhys


Matthew Rhys Evans is a Welsh actor. He is known for playing Philip Jennings in the acclaimed television series The Americans, for which he received two Golden Globe Award nominations and a Primetime Emmy Award.

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Perry Mason
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
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Appareil-photo Vintage Kodak Six-20 oeil de boeuf en bakélite


Ap­pareil-pho­to Vin­tage Ko­dak Six-20 oeil de boeuf en bakélite 

Antique Vintage KODAK Tourist CAMERA 1940's


An­tique Vin­tage KO­DAK Tourist CAM­ERA 1940's 

60's Kodak MotorMatic 35F Flash RangeFinder 35mm Caméra - Cool Features, Pop up Flash, light meter, Flash Sync


60's Ko­dak Mo­tor­Mat­ic 35F Flash RangeFind­er 35mm Caméra - Cool Fea­tures, Pop up Flash, light me­ter, Flash Sync 

appareil photo Kodak vintage


ap­pareil pho­to Ko­dak vin­tage 

Kodak Senior six-16


Ko­dak Se­nior six-16 

Caméra Kodak Flash Bantam


Caméra Ko­dak Flash Ban­tam 

1942 Baby Brownie Spécial. Art Déco vintage Eastman Kodak Camera fabriqué à Rochester NY USA. 127 Film. Voir les détails.


1942 Ba­by Brown­ie Spé­cial. Art Dé­co vin­tage East­man Ko­dak Cam­era fab­riqué à Rochester NY USA. 127 Film. Voir les dé­tails. 

Navy Brown Ties Flower Wedding Business Necktie Set Silk 

Navy Brown Ties Flower Wed­ding Busi­ness Neck­tie Set Silk 

Men's Classic Checks Dark Blue Grey Jacquard Woven Silk Tie Necktie (One Size, Brown)


Men's Clas­sic Checks Dark Blue Grey Jacquard Wo­ven Silk Tie Neck­tie (One Size, Brown) 

Brown Plaid Silk Ties for Wedding


Brown Plaid Silk Ties for Wed­ding 

70s Laureate kipper tie // texturé // brun et bleu


70s Lau­re­ate kip­per tie // tex­turé // brun et bleu 

Grayco fin-lock cravate des années 1930!


Gray­co fin-lock cra­vate des an­nées 1930! 

Kenson Classics Gitman Bros 100% cravate en soie pure vert cravate avec brun bleu paisley imprimé Main fait vintage Father’s Day idées cadeaux pour lui


Ken­son Clas­sics Git­man Bros 100% cra­vate en soie pure vert cra­vate avec brun bleu pais­ley im­primé Main fait vin­tage Fa­ther’s Day idées cadeaux pour lui 

Blue Plaid Pure Shetland Wool Made in England Tissé en Ecosse - 57 » x 3.25 »


Blue Plaid Pure Shet­land Wool Made in Eng­land Tis­sé en Ecosse - 57 » x 3.25 » 

1940s Wide Hand Painted Necktie, Abstract Swirls in Deep, Mysterious Shades of Browns, Rust, Hints of Deep Blue


1940s Wide Hand Paint­ed Neck­tie, Ab­stract Swirls in Deep, Mys­te­ri­ous Shades of Browns, Rust, Hints of Deep Blue 

Cravate bohème brune avec motif floral bleu clair - Cravate florale étroite pour hommes pour la partie de thème boho - Cravate tissée brune et bleue pour les hommes


Cra­vate bo­hème brune avec mo­tif flo­ral bleu clair - Cra­vate flo­rale étroite pour hommes pour la par­tie de thème bo­ho - Cra­vate tis­sée brune et bleue pour les hommes 

vintage Geoffrey Beene Tie Pure Silk Paisley Blue et Brown Men's Necktie 58 x 3.75 The Crazy Tie Guy T1454


vin­tage Ge­of­frey Beene Tie Pure Silk Pais­ley Blue et Brown Men's Neck­tie 58 x 3.75 The Crazy Tie Guy T1454 

cravate vintage - Nino Cerruti - Pure Silk - Brown and Blue -Crepe Silk -Flower tie -Floral Tie - Mans Necktie 56 x 3.75 The Crazy Tie Guy T1258


cra­vate vin­tage - Ni­no Cer­ru­ti - Pure Silk - Brown and Blue -Crepe Silk -Flower tie -Flo­ral Tie - Mans Neck­tie 56 x 3.75 The Crazy Tie Guy T1258 

vintage Mens Tie - Bugle Boy - 1980's - Necktie, Retro tie, Mens suit accessory, Brown and blue, Geometric, Rayon and viscose, Made in USA


vin­tage Mens Tie - Bu­gle Boy - 1980's - Neck­tie, Retro tie, Mens suit ac­ces­so­ry, Brown and blue, Geo­met­ric, Ray­on and vis­cose, Made in USA 

vintage Allyn Saint George Tie American Classic USA Polyester Brown and Blue Geometric Mans Necktie 56 x 3.75 The Crazy Tie Guy T1227


vin­tage Al­lyn Saint George Tie Amer­i­can Clas­sic USA Poly­ester Brown and Blue Geo­met­ric Mans Neck­tie 56 x 3.75 The Crazy Tie Guy T1227 

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