Dakota Fanning


Dakota Fanning


Hannah Dakota Fanning is an American actress and model. She rose to prominence at the age of seven for her performance as Lucy Dawson in the drama film I Am Sam, for which she received a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination at age eight, making her the youngest nominee in SAG history.


Dakota Fanning


Hannah Dakota Fanning is an American actress and model. She rose to prominence at the age of seven for her performance as Lucy Dawson in the drama film I Am Sam, for which she received a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination at age eight, making her the youngest nominee in SAG history.



Dakota Fanning


Hannah Dakota Fanning is an American actress and model. She rose to prominence at the age of seven for her performance as Lucy Dawson in the drama film I Am Sam, for which she received a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination at age eight, making her the youngest nominee in SAG history.

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